Hey Y’all!
Last night I went to feed and water the pigs. In the darkness, I heard the bleating of sheep and goats. I was a little confused. Did the goats jump over the fence to get the pigs’ corn? I wouldn’t put it past them! Through the glare of my truck’s headlights, I saw them on the hill behind the pigpen. Whew!
This morning I filled up the pigs’ feeder (in 8-degree weather! Brrrr!!!) and then went to check on the larger animals in the 9-acre field. They were all there, and our Great Pyrenees, Princess was with them, frolicking around. I’m really glad she is there, so that she can protect them from coyotes. Especially since they are having lambs right now.
I went back out the gate to my truck to get my camera (on my new IPhone 13 Pro Max! Pretty excited about the new camera. Before that I had a 6 Plus with a bad camera). The sheep had run away before I even got it. Oh well, I will try and get some pictures soon for you all to see. They are sooo cute!
We opened up a gate on the other end of the 9-acre field so that the animals could roam freely to the open camping area by the lake. That way, if they felt frightened, they could move in closer to the interior of our farm to feel safer.
The animals have a safe area to run to, and also a protector, in Princess. What do I have? Or you? What do I do when I’m afraid or don’t feel safe? For one, I’m working on facing my fears. Many times, my fears aren’t even as scary as I thought, once I face them.
I can also talk my fears out and come up with a plan to be safer. For instance, I’ve taken up running. I love it, but sometimes I’m afraid to try a new route because I’m concerned I may encounter someone or something that may threaten me. I talked about it with my daughter, who is an avid runner. When I think about it, she has run around this area for a while without any issues. Also, she suggested I carry mace. Good idea!
One day I was running on a back country road, and thought I saw someone walking in the road. To avoid any issues, I turned around and ran back the way I had come. I ran one of my best times ever! I had been feeling tired and wondered if I could run fast if I thought I was in danger. I guess I can!
Just as animals run to their safe place when frightened, we can run to a safe place of knowledge and preparedness when we feel afraid.
Y’all come back soon and see what’s going on and what we’re learning.