The Hunting Memoirs of Myron Moritz (Mary’s Dad)

John Wayne. If I had to compare my dad to someone famous, I always think of John Wayne. The strong, silent type. He conserved his words, but when he spoke, it was powerful and important.
He worked hard building homes most of his life. Later I found out some other surprising things that he did. Like acting! He owned a restaurant, and worked for the government. He took dancing lessons with me when I was in high school! And the activity that most binds me to him now is that he started writing. He took a yellow legal pad (several, actually) and wrote down all his memories of hunting. His remembrances started from the time he was six, and ended when he was much older and stopped hunting.
Father’s Day just passed, and I heard an ad on the radio for a contest to share words of wisdom that your dad says (said) and win a family vacation. My dad passed away two Septembers ago, and I immediately thought of not just a sentence, but a whole book of his words! I’ve wanted to publish it, so now this is my start. I hope his words recorded here will give you a glimpse into history but also make you laugh and think.
Check back here regularly as I add his story chapter by chapter, in between milking cows, making yogurt, and every day life.
Dad, I love you and hope this honors you.
Chapter 1
The more I wrote…the more I was wondering, “Just why am I spending so much of my spare time writing about…hunting…?” That is one of the reasons I started to write and thought that my words could be passed down to the next generations and eliminate some of the guessing about their ancestors.