Hey Y’all!
I’m Mary and my husband is Rich, and we own Buttercup Ranch & Creamery.
I want you to sing a little song with me. Do you remember the TV Series “The Beverly Hillbillies”? Then you know the tune of their theme song. Sing the following ditty to that tune.

It’s true. We met in San Antonio, and our first date was to see “The Princess Bride.” We fell in love with the movie and each other, got married, and had a bunch of kids.
We also love being self-sufficient and learning how to do things for ourselves. Wanting to know how to grow and raise our own natural healthy food, we bought a cow. And we named her…Buttercup! Of course! And everyone learned how to milk her by hand.
Rich was in the Air Force, but is now retired. We moved to Illinois, so now I am the “Texas Bride in the Midwest.” We started our farm to share our experiences with others and give them access not only to fresh, naturally raised food, but knowledge of how we do it naturally, and they can too.
In “Princess Bride,” whenever Buttercup asked Westley (Farmboy) to do something, he would answer, “As you wish.” Soon Buttercup found out that when he said, “As you wish,” he really meant, “I love you.”
On our farm we have cows, goats, pigs, chickens, ducks, sheep, one dog named Princess and another Duke, and a peacock! So when we say, “As ewe wish,” we want to share our love of our farm, and natural, healthy farm products.
As the Texas Bride in the Midwest, each time I write I will greet you the way we do in Texas: “Hey Y’all!”